Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Democratic Council Leadership Determined

Before Wednesday's Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, new Council member Rob Blanchard confirmed that the Democratic party leadership for the Council will remain the same. Blanchard indicated that Tom Serra was elected as majority leader in a contested vote.  Mary Bartolotta, was elected as deputy majority leader and Bob Santangelo was appointed as Deputy Mayor by Mayor Dan Drew.

The vote for majority leader is reported to have taken more than one vote, with Gerry Daley, Mary Bartolotta and Tom Serra vying for the position.

Committee memberships were also determined at the meeting on November 17, but have not been published yet.

1 comment:

  1. It just blows me away how the old school walk the line Democrats, and the Dan Drew new leadership Democrats want to shove Councilman Serra to the curb as soon as he lost a step in the last election.
    The public doesn't think Dan has a vindictive bone in his body? Just look at your own Party.
    Then there's the laughing stock of a position, the "Deputy Mayor". Drew hasn't used it in four years, not even when he was out of state, or in college full-time away from his mayoral duties. I guess Dan just has to make Bob feel good about something?


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