Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Finding Your Elusive Ancestor in Connecticut Governmental Records

On Thursday, October 8 at 1:00pm., The Society of Middletown First Settlers Descendants presents “Beyond the Barbour Collection: Finding your Elusive Ancestor in Connecticut Governmental Records”, a talk by Mel Smith from the Connecticut State Library, at the Russell Library's Hubbard Room. 

The Connecticut State Library's History and Genealogy Unit is well known for its extensive collection of historical and family research materials including several state-wide Connecticut Genealogical Indexes.  These indexes include the noted Barbour Collection of Connecticut Vital Records which contains important information on thousands of your Connecticut ancestors. However, not all births, marriages or deaths were recorded in town or church records, while other records have been lost over time. Sometimes you need to go beyond the Barbour Collection to find evidence of your ancestor. Sometimes you need to turn to other resources.  lease join reference librarian Mel Smith who will help you navigate Connecticut governmental records for a clue in finding your elusive Connecticut ancestor! Drop-in, no registration.

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