Thursday, May 7, 2015

City's Legislative Delegation Applauds State Funds for Riverfront Redevelopment

From Emily Boushee, press aide to Matt Lesser.
State Representative Matthew Lesser (D – Middletown), Mayor Daniel Drew, and the rest of the Middletown legislative delegation are pleased that the State Bond Commission is expected to authorize $2.6 million in funds for riverfront redevelopment efforts at its next meeting on May, 11 2015. The state grant will help finance predevelopment activities including environmental assessments, as well as project design and environmental remediation associated with the development of a boathouse and event facility.

"Last fall, Governor Malloy came to Middletown and promised to invest in Middletown's riverfront. I'm thrilled that he's following through on a project that will yield so much for our environment and our economy. This is a true win-win for our City, the region and the state as a whole," said Rep. Lesser.

"I am pleased to hear that this funding has been approved to help facilitate a redevelopment project that will transform Middletown's waterfront," said Senator Paul Doyle. "State support will help with the remediation and eventual construction of this area, which will provide a significant boost to the city and its economic growth. The Middletown legislative delegation has worked very hard to make this project happen, and I thank Governor Malloy for his support of it."

"The riverfront redevelopment will revitalize this section of Middletown, transforming a historic area while maintaining the boathouse as a focal point and symbol of the waterfront," said Senator Bartolomeo. "Once completed, this riverfront recapture will include a new park with a modern event facility, attracting new people to the area and leading to the development of residential and mixed-use projects in surrounding neighborhoods."
“The riverfront area is historic. It is a true gem that Middletown residents can be proud of,” State Rep. Joseph Serra (D-Middletown) said. “Redeveloping and transforming this area will help Middletown reach its potential and I thank Governor Malloy for his support.”

“Our community is building something that will last for hundreds of years this is an important step in making that happen,” Middletown Mayor Daniel Drew said.

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