Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Free Math and English “Refresher Courses” Offered Through MxCC Transitional Strategies Packages

As a result of a 2012 Act titled PA12-40, Concerning College Readiness and Completion, Middlesex Community College and Adult Education and Career Centers in Middletown, Meriden, and Wallingford are receiving funds to support students who place at the Transitional Strategies Level after their initial registration and skill assessment placement exams.

With these funds, MxCC and the college’s Adult Education partners in Middletown, Meriden and Wallingford will provide students three different “refresher course” packages for the Spring 2015 semester, free of charge. Students can select any one of the three packages that are being offered at the three Adult Education locations to help earn college credit or to better prepare them for eventual Math and English credit courses.


The Basic Skills Assessment testing that students take when they register for classes is meant to ensure they have the skills necessary to excel in the college classes they take. Being placed at a Transitional Strategies level means that a refresher course is needed in either arithmetic or elementary skills for Math, or essay writing, grammar, and reading comprehension for English. The Transitional Strategies Packages are meant to enable MxCC students to put forth their best work and get into classes that allow them to earn credits.


“This is an extraordinary opportunity for students who place at the Transitional Strategies level in Math and English” said Donna Bontatibus, professor of English at MxCC.

Each available package includes a Freshman Seminar course FS100 with a Math and/or an English Fast Track Workshop.


“With FS100, students will earn three college credits. With the Fast Track Workshops, students will be provided the opportunity to improve their skill sets in Math, Writing, and Reading,” said Bontatibus


At the end of the workshops, students are given the opportunity to retake their assessment tests in Math and/or English to see if they can progress to a College Level Math or English.

For more information on the packages in Middletown, contact Donna Bontatibus,
dbontatibus@mxcc.edu; Meriden contact Tami Christopher, tchristopher@mxcc.edu; and Wallingford contact Mary Rayappan, mrayappan@mxcc.edu

For more information on the PA12-40 Act Concerning College Readiness and Completion visit http://www.ct.edu/files/pdfs/12-40-overview.pdf  or

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