Thursday, November 13, 2014

“Beyond Visible” with Scotty Giffen and Emily Zeitlin

 November 15, 7-9pm. Free
Meditative photographs created by Emily Zeitlin and Scotty Giffen will be on view at the Buttonwood Tree, Main St, Middletown from Nov 15 2014
Techniques range from captured moments in nature to multi-layered images which invite the viewer to interact with the photographs.
The duo have an extensive background in light and color play as one time professional stained glass artists.
Zeitlin and Giffen have studied and participated in many forms of healing arts. Zeitlin is a Reiki master; Both Emily & Scotty have received, researched and participated in vibrational sound journeys, meditation and Tai-Chi. Their quest to receive and share this healing lead them to become enchanted with the tranquility and beauty found only in Nature. The displayed works reflect the spirit of Nature.
The community is also invited to attend a uniquely meditative experience – the viewing of a DVD containing several videos created by the artists accompanied with various forms of healing music.

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