Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Passionate Waters II

On Saturday, March 22, the second annual “Passionate Waters” art show will celebrate World Water Day at the MAC650 Gallery in Middletown. The event will feature a water themed art exhibit, presentations from local legislators and water activists, music and dance performances, and a water blessing ceremony.

Started in 1992 by the UN General Assembly, World Water Day is held annually on March 22 to advocate sustainable management of freshwater resources.

“Art has the power to awaken in people an awareness of our most precious natural resource,” says Carolyn Reeves, one of the producers of the show. “We hope that art, paired with information, will inspire people to be more mindful of our freshwater resources.”

The evening will take place at the MAC650 Gallery in Middletown’s North End from 5:00 p.m- 7:00pm.   Appetizers, wine, and spring water will be served, and a $10 donation is requested at the door.  Proceeds from the event will benefit the “Source to Sea Clean-up” by the Connecticut River Watershed Council  “Rivers are the ultimate metaphor for connection,” says CRWC River Steward Jacqueline Talbot.  When we spend a few hours working to improve our rivers, we send cleaner water downstream, and it’s nice to know there are others upstream doing the same for us.  Local actions unite us with people working for cleaner water around the world.”

The event is continuing from last year's phenomenal success thanks to the efforts of Dmitri D'Alessandro of Middletown Framing, and Rusa D'Alessandro of Middletown Art Academy.  “We are committed to continuing this event and raising awareness of clean water issues affecting the world.”, said Dmitri, “ We wanted to build a new and ongoing tradition on the foundation that Carolyn Reeves started in 2012.” Headmistress Rusa D'Alessandro said ; ”Middletown Art Academy supports this very important tradition in our town, and we are honored to continue to locally promote and educate about the importance of having clean and sustainable water sources." Students from the Art Academy will be participating in the show as well, showing us their views of what clean water means.

For more information, please visit

This year’s Source to Sea Cleanup will be held September 26 and 27. To learn please visit or contact Jacqueline Talbot,

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