Thursday, February 27, 2014

MCA January Grants Awards Announced!

At their February monthly meeting, the Middletown Commission on the Arts awarded grants to the following grant applicants:

Category 1 -
Greater Middletown Concert Association - $8,000 for operating support
North End Arts Rising, Inc. - $10,000 for operating support
Greater Middletown Chorale - $4,000 for operating support
Oddfellows Playhouse - $7,500 for operating support
ArtFarm - $8,000 for Shakespeare in the Grove production of "King Lear"

Categories 2 and 3 -
Wesleyan University-Davison Art Center - $500 for The Big Draw: Middletown
Evelyn Farbman for "Lives in Music" - $1,500 for "Lives in Music" community conversations and public concert
Artists for World Peace - $1,500 for 3rd Annual Dance for Peace event
Jennifer Shafer a/k/a J-Cherry - $1,000 for Middletown Music Festival

Total awards amount - $42,000

The next opportunity for grants is for projects taking place on or after June 1, 2014 and the deadline for submitting an application is March 15. The details are available here with links to the forms.

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