Friday, October 25, 2013

Thomas Serra, Common Council Candidate

Name, Age
Thomas J. Serra,  67 years old

*Bachelor of Science, Eastern Conn. State University
*Master of Arts, University of Connecticut
*Sixth year certificate of advanced graduate studies in educational administration, University of Connecticut

Retired Technical High School Principal

Why do you want to hold public office in Middletown?
To serve the community I grew up in, raised my family in and love very much.

What experience do you bring to the table?
Since 1974, I have gradually participated in almost all of the appointed commissions and committees of the city of Middletown's government as well as served 10 terms as a councilman and one term as mayor.  Also, additional experience as a teacher, coach, athletic director, vice-principal, principal, and my past experience as a carpenter in Local Union # 24.

What do you think the town's most pressing issues are? 
The most important issue and goal of an elected official is to strive to provide the best possible services for the least amount of cost at all times.  I wholeheartedly ascribe to this philosophy. Other priorities are: 1) To strive to expand the grand list by attracting new businesses thus aiding the bolstering of city revenues; 2) Properly fund education and public safety endeavors; 3) Promote rational economic development and open space preservation; 4) Plan for and support needed infrastructure maintenance projects including but not limited to, roads, parks, buildings and water & sewer endeavors.

What do you love most about Middletown?
Its diverse and caring people, its diverse institutions, businesses, establishments and its diverse topography.

What do you like to do for fun?
To be with my family especially my grandson, travel, exercise, and watch sporting events.

How can residents keep up with you?
City of Middletown email address --, or call the Council Clerk's office 860-638-4980

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