Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Invitation: Katchen Coley Mountain Laurel Preserve to be Dedicated July11th at 7pm

The City Council appropriated funding earlier in July to buy a beautiful, 50-acre parcel in Maromas to be preserved as open space. The City Council will meet in Special Session tomorrow, Thursday July 11, at 7 p.m, to formally dedicate that parcel of land to honor Katchen Coley who has worked tirelessly for decades on environmental causes here in Middletown and around Connecticut. One of Katchen's passions was saving Maromas, having recognized the value of the beautiful natural landscape in that part of town. The land will be named the Katchen Coley Mountain Laurel Preserve. 

The public is encouraged to come and celebrate this special occasion. The Council agenda does allow for people to speak on that agenda, so there will be an  opportunity to say a few words if you'd like to.

This property is surrounded by and enjoys easements over CL&P land and State of Connecticut land. It is the second highest point in Maromas at 648 feet above sea level. It is the 3rd highest point in Middletown. There is an abundance of Mountain Laurel and it is truly a unique parcel of land. It also contains part of the New England national scenic trail.

NOTE- the LOCATION of the meeting is the Council Chamber in City Hall

Here is a video clip of Katchen's reply to a question about how she became involved with the Middletown Conservation Commission:

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