Monday, June 17, 2013

Middletown High School Debate Society Is a Big Success In First Year

The Middletown High School Debate Society,
end of year final debate June, 2013

From Jenny Lecce
Daniel Lowry, social studies teacher at Middletown High School, had an idea to start an MHS debate club. He had an idea that it would begin small and grow over the next few years, but the very first meeting, held last fall, saw nearly 40  students eager to participate.

The new club, Middletown High School Debate Society, took their name after the first MHS club founded in 1890, a historical detail uncovered by MHS art teacher Patrick Shugrue. The original 1890 society consisted of two teams, one for the female students and one for the males and ran for many years. The 2012-2013 society has nearly ten teams and have been competing among themselves as they work toward competing in the competitive Connecticut circuit.

MHS sophomore Gabriela Mikunda
in the final debate of the year.
The society, which remained active throughout the entire school year, too part in Russell Library's Emancipation Proclamation Debate.

Mr. Lowry with Team 5 and Team 6 in the final debate of the year

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