Thursday, June 27, 2013

Community Health Center Participating In "Take the test. Take control."

The Oasis Wellness Center – which falls under the umbrella of services at Community Health Center, Inc. – is offering free HIV testing on Thursday, June 27th to mark National HIV Testing Day (NHTD). The testing will be available at CHC, Inc.’s Peace and Health Building, located at 675 Main Street. This year’s NHTD slogan is “Take the test. Take control.” and the testing offered at CHC, Inc. will be quick, confidential, and free-of-charge. Testing will be available during regular business hours.

“Oasis is a social support center for people living with the virus and is a critical source of care, case management, and social engagement,” explained Kasey Harding, Program Director for Integrated Care for Special Populations. “HIV can affect many components of a patient’s everyday life, and although there is no cure, our providers make sure that patients obtain the comprehensive care they deserve.”

All CHC sites routinely provide HIV counseling, testing, and education in accord with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations. A Ryan White Early Intervention Services participant for many years, CHC provides HIV/AIDS medical treatment directly at some of its sites and indirectly through referral to community specialists in other sites.

Over 1.1 million people are currently living with HIV in the United States, and nearly 1 in 5 adults who are living with the disease are unaware that they have it. Most alarming is that these 20 percent produce about 60 percent of new infections. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all people between the ages of 13 and 64 get tested at least once, while gay or bisexual men, people with multiple sex partners, and injection drug users should be tested at least once per year. The CDC further recommends that gay or bisexual men who are sexually active can benefit from getting tested with even more regularity.

First observed on June 27th, 1995, National HIV Testing Day enlightens Americans about the risk factors of acquiring HIV and implores people to get tested. There are a variety of ways to get involved and to educate oneself and others about HIV. During CHC, Inc.’s event, outreach teams will be canvassing the street, handing out fliers and water bottles, and encouraging people to get tested. Follow on Twitter throughout the day at @HIVplusyouandme

More about National HIV Testing Day.

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