Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Participants Invited to the Happiness Project Offered by The Buttonwood Tree

Joining forces with Wesleyan students in a class taught by Sonia BasSheva Manjon Ph.D., Middletown Art: Social Justice and Community Development and Laughter Yoga teacher and Hospice Professional, Mylene Poitras, The Buttonwood Tree (TBT) launches a program designed to help people increase their happiness and lead more rewarding lives. The question is raised: "When people are happy are they are more willing to express themselves through art?" Art is a vehicle for healthy expression, whether it be through dance, song, poetry or cooking; the way we express ourselves reveals who we are. We encourage everyone to express themselves through creative and healthy ways and TBT offers a space and resources to do that. This program will assist folks to create a happier life for themselves, thus being more likely to be involved in their community and successful in achieving their life goals. 

TBT launches the Happiness Project Tuesday, April 2 at 5:30pm, just before the Laughter Yoga class at 6 pm. Film "Happy" follows vegetarian potluck after the class. Join if you want more happiness in your life! It involves easy tasks, movement and interaction with others, to the degree you wish. As a bonus and show of our appreciation, participants of the project who complete one month of involvement receive a TBT mug. Attend Tuesday to find out more or write to us.

Of the film, "Happy": "Great documentary. Important to know that, once you have basic needs met, real happiness is there for the choosing. Turns out it's not a come-and-go feely good emotion, or naive optimism. It's an abiding state of well being and can be realized by most everyone."

605 Main Stree  www.buttonwood.org   Facebook.com/buttonwoodtree

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