Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Buttonwood Events: Frank Varela brings music & art, Rock n Roll, writing, dancing & more!

Wednesday, April 10

Evening Oasis Belly Dancing Presentation: 8 pm, $5 suggested donation
The Evening Oasis returns with beautiful dancers, traditional dress and music. All are welcome for this entertaining and empowering evening.

Thursday, April 11

Writers Out Loud: 7 pm, $4
Each Second Thursday of every month, six phenomenal storytellers sign up seeking constructive critique of their latest works in progress. Come launch your experience of literary prose off that earthbound plane of solitary and cerebral and into the extraordinary heights of live and out-loud! You will never read—or write—quite the same again!

Friday, April 12

Art Reception: A Musician's Parallel Art World by Frank Varela: 5:30 pm, free

Jazz Double Bill: Frank Varela & Upstream / Avi Wisnia

8 pm, $10
Upstream's three talented musicians will leave a lasting impression with their mind-blogging improvisational excursions and jaw-dropping solos. Singer-songwriter Avi Wisnia presents an eclectic mix of refreshingly original songs, finding inspiration in classic Brazilian bossa nova, acoustic American folk, 1950’s west-coast jazz, and contemporary pop. Click for tickets and info!

Saturday, April 13

Qigong: 7:30 am, free
Community Yoga in the Vinyasa style: 8:45 am, free
"Aligned with Source" Workshop for Empowerment: 10:30 am, $5 suggested donation 
Topic: How You Can Be The Best That You ARE!

Ladies' Rock n Roll Night at the Buttonwood featuring Julie and Jan! (Estrogen Not Required)
8 pm, $12
Julie Clark Shubert will play, write, and sing, and fill the air with humor and stories from a woman’s perspective. 
Jan Luby is known for her engaging, often riveting stage-presence as well as her voice full of passion, range and power. Come join us for the fun! Click for tickets and info!

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