Monday, April 1, 2013

ARTFARM seeks Shakespeare Slam Performers & Patrons

The local theater company ARTFARM is recruiting performers for its fourth Shakespeare Slam on May 11. This unique showcase, hosted by WNPR’s Chion Wolf, is the Main Event at an “Elizabethan Masked Bash” featuring live music, festive costumes, masks, food, fun and drink.
The Shakespeare Slam challenges performers of all levels to present creative interpretations of short bits of Shakespeare to raise funds for ARTFARM’s 2013 Shakespeare in the Grove production of Much Ado About Nothing, which will run July 18 – 28.
Shakespeare Slammers must prepare and perform short Shakespeare selections (2 minute maximum; sonnets, scenes, monologues or mashups are all acceptable) while soliciting sponsorships from generous patrons. The intention is to encourage performers to present Shakespeare’s words in a fun, artistic and playful way, emphasizing the creativity over the competition. Enticing prizes will, however, be awarded to the slammers who raise the most money.    
Aspiring performers must attract “patrons” to sponsor their performance. Patrons can pledge as little as ten dollars or any multiple of ten. Performers are challenged to amass as many sponsors as they can, but must have at least fifty dollars of committed sponsorships to perform as part of the event. Top patrons will be recognized at the event, and prizes will be awarded to the performers with the highest sponsorship totals. Group performances are welcomed, but each individual performer in the group is responsible for raising $50 in sponsorships. Professionals, amateurs and students are all invited to perform.
The Shakespeare Slam and Masked Bash will be held at Kidcity, 119 Washington Street at 7 pm on Saturday, May 11. Tickets are $25 ($15 if you are age 25 and under) and include vouchers for two drinks. Performers attend the Bash! for free. ARTFARM is also looking for volunteers to help staff the event.
For more information, tickets, or to register as a performer, contact ARTFARM at (860) 346-4390 or email Sponsor forms and performer guidelines can be downloaded at Performers must register by May 6.

Photo attached of Shakespeare Slam Host Chion Wolf with ARTFARM staff Dic Wheeler and Marcella Trowbridge by Bill Dekine. Photo of Slam performer Tim Dansdill by Ben jordan 

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