Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Weekend Events at the Buttonwood Tree!

The Buttonwood Tree has a very exciting weekend of events coming up: more than enough to make up for snow storm cancellations! Take a much-deserved break from shoveling and come on down for relaxation and entertainment.

Roses are red, violets are blue... Join us this Thursday on Valentine's Day for Writers Out Loud, a literary open mic. Sign ups begin at 6:45, and presentations at 7:15. Take your writing to the next level with this unique opportunity to share your work and receive constructive criticism.

Get ready for our folk/Americana double bill on Friday, February 15th: Shawn Taylor's Wandering Roots Trio and the Brian Dolzani Duo will be performing at 8 pm. Tickets are $10. Click here to reserve your seat & for more information.

As always, Saturdays at the Buttonwood mean events for strengthening your body and nourishing your soul. Qigong starts at 7:30 am, followed by Vinyasa-style Community Yoga at 8:45 am, both free. Then, at 10:30 am, Spiritual and Holistic Healer Annaita Gandhy will be hosting the "Aligned with Source" workshop; the theme this week is "Believing in Yourself and Your Potential." There is a $5 suggested donation, but, as with all Buttonwood Tree events, we will never turn anyone away for lack of funds.

On Saturday afternoon from 3 - 5 pm, we will be hosting an artist's reception for Peruvian artist's Juan Carlos Bautista's "Poetic Art" exhibit.  Light refreshments will be served. Juan Carlos invites you to drop by and say hello!

Then, on Saturday night, Steven and Resa Ferreira present Streetlight Stories: Endings and Beginnings! Starting at 7 pm, Steven and Resa will tell stories of healing and transformation, using voice, harp, flute, and drum. This event is directed at the adults in the community. Tickets are $10. Click here to reserve your seat & for more information.

All events are at the Buttonwood Tree Performing Arts & Cultural Center:
605 Main Street
Middletown, CT
Phone: (860) 347-4957
Website: http://www.buttonwood.org

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