Monday, February 11, 2013

Storm Update From Mayor

Mayor Dan Drew has called a press conference at city hall for 11AM today.
Earlier he made this announcement:
Update 643 am

A freezing rain is falling in Middletown. That, combined with efforts to continue clearing roads, will make driving treacherous.

Please stay home unless there is an emergency.

Middletown crews are still working to clear roadways and have been on duty since Friday morning. Our crews are making very steady progress so we can get the City back to normal as quickly as possible.

Thank you.


  1. Are you serious? My street is not plowed you incompetent fool so I have to stay home. Unlike city workers I don't get paid if I don't go to work. This guy enjoys rubbing salt in the wound.

  2. I understand the frustration that residents are feeling but we seem to be in better shape than most communities. Hamden expects that they won't be plowed out for a week. New Britain has only 50% of their streets plowed and New Haven now has checkpoints that monitor nonemergency travel. Name calling and blame throwing does little good.

  3. Residents wouldn't be as frustrated if the mayor hadn't been setting expectations that everyone's street would be passable by Sunday night. when he can't deliver what he promises while at the same time patting himself on the back, people justifiably get annoyed.


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