Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Invitation to Support Special Olympics Penguin Plunge

Dear Friends and Family,

The Penguin Plunge takes place in Middletown this Saturday February 23, 2013 at the Polish Falcons on Crystal Lake.  I have decided to take the plunge along side two of my friends veteran participants Caleb Majewski and Nolan Donadio to raise funds to support Special Olympics Connecticut, Inc.  We are on the Frozen Fools Team captained by Karen Nocera. The team consists of  Middletown Park & Recreation Dept. members, Mayor Drew and students from Middletown.

Please support us or consider joining the team in this important project by contributing generously to the Special Olympics Connecticut, Inc. Whatever you can give will help . . . it all adds up! I greatly appreciate your support.

Sincerely with gratitude,

Molly Salafia, Assoc. AIA, LEED GA, PZ Commissioner

To send a donation:

Make all checks payable to: Special Olympics Connecticut, Inc.

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