Monday, February 4, 2013

Eric Kuhn Group at Canoe Club 6pm Feb 10

CANCELLED due to the snow storm
CANCELED due to the snow storm

which spelling do you prefer?

see you March 10 at Cypress, and back
at The Canoe Club soon!

Eric Kuhn Group
at The Mattabesett Canoe Club
80 Harbor Drive, Middletown, CT 
Club tel: 860-347-9999
6pm, Sunday February 10
no cover charge

Eric Kuhn: vocals, bass, tunes
Anitra Brooks: vocals, tunes
Bruce Elder - guitar
Lars Selberg - keyboards
Tim Gaylord - drums
Dave Rintoul - trombone
Joseph Getter - tenor sax
Kate Ten Eyck - trumpet

The Canoe Club is generally closed this month, aside from some special events such as this, when it is open to the public. Hope to see you there!


  1. EKG is CANCELLED due to the snow storm. See you soon at a re-scheduled date.

  2. Since Eye commenters seem to be on a grammar and spelling kick, as a youngster I learned that canceled is used when an event is not going to occur. Postponed is used when an event is not going to occur when originally scheduled, but will still occur at a future date to be determined.


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