Saturday, January 12, 2013

Salafia Says Partisan Politics Prevent Prudent Planning

The letter below is opinion/commentary and represents only the opinion of the author, Molly Salafia.
At the last P&Z meeting, we were informed that the Midlstate Regional Planning Committee which is comprised of various towns was being dissolved and transformed into the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments. Middletown needs to send a representative from the commission and an alternate. Commissioner Michael Johnson (D) has been the representative for the past four years. Yet, attendance to P&Z meetings is rare because of his job as a lobbyist in Hartford. Commissioner Fazzino nominated me to be the new Middletown representative to replace Johnson. He felt my professional background in architecture and planning would serve Middletown well. Again, at the meeting Johnson was not present. The vote was taken, and the Democrats voted along party lines to keep Johnson as the representative, and offered me to be alternate. Johnson has never in my history on P&Z or before my time provided the Commission with any reports about what goes on at these monthly meetings, or comment on his ability to attend. Citizens concerned with Middletown being adequately represented at this important board should direct questions to Johnson.

Molly Salafia
Planning and Zoning Commissioner

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