Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Great Live Music at Klekolo


It's Tuesday at Klekolo World Coffee on Court Street so that means live music. This week it was a pair of DJs: Jay Dun Jin and NEBula.

DJ Jay Dun Jin

Both DJ sets were fun and lively. Beat boxer MD Outta Order hosted the sets and entertained with his beat boxing vocal skills.

The crowd was there to listen in, chat, play chess and of course, drink some coffee.

Klekolo World Coffee has live music on Tuesday nights. It's a fun way to perk up a weeknight. Next week will feature the jazz music of Kevin O'Neil.

Christopher Polack is Middletown resident and blogger.

1 comment:

  1. I had my first white hot chocolate (hot chocolate made with white chocolate) and (huge) peanutbutter cookie at Klekolo on New Year's eve-- delicious!


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