Monday, December 17, 2012

VIDEO: Cypress Grill Wednesday Open Mic

 The Great Wednesday night jam at the Cypress Grill.

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 These two videos showcase the open mic jam that takes place every Wedenesday night at the Cypress Grill out on 1265 South Main Street on Route 17, hosts a great open mic. The jam starts around 8pm.

People from all around the state come with their guitars, basses an percussion instruments to jam out to tunes. It's been particularly great to see freinds like Trevor Davis get up on the drums and play on. Last week, my own brother Mark Polack came out to play on the drums.

Every week is has been a great experience. I'm not a musician, but I've even grabbed a shaker to join in with the jam. It's a lot of fun and great outlet for people who enjoy live music, either as a performer and a spectator.

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The Wednesday night jam at the Cypress Grill. I hope you enjoy these two video samples of the jam. 


 Christopher Polack is a Middletown resident who loves his town and the people in it.

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