Thursday, December 13, 2012

They say It's in the Water...but to be sure -- don't miss out!

ARTFARM'S Circus for a Fragile Planet presents SUBMERGED!
Friday, December 14 at 7 pm
at Green Street Arts Center in Middletown.
$12 for adults; $8 for children & students; $30 family price

This hour-long, five-performer circus will excite and inspire adults and young people alike. Join Professor Offli Varminhere and the four Fossil Fools on a circus journey about WATER that starts in our own backyard and travels to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, with stops all along the interconnected way. Find out more about the show at or watch a four minute highlight video HERE. 

ARTFARM is introducing a new circus cast member with this performance -- Nettie Lane of Brattleboro, VT. Nettie is a graduate of the Professional Track Training Program at the New England Center for Circus Arts and founder of Pie Productions. She joins local artists Dic Wheeler and Maegan Fuller of Middletown, Megan Berritta of Haddam, and Joel Melendez of Harwinton.
Seating is limited. Please email or call (860) 346-4390 to reserve your place.

“This is a great show for families, for activists, for circus lovers, for scientists,” says SUBMERGED! director Dic Wheeler, “anyone who cares about our precious planet and is willing to laugh, clap and say ‘wow’  while being reminded how pressing the current environmental challenges are.”

Circus for a Fragile Planet has performed at over 120 schools, colleges, museums, arts centers and festivals over the past four years. Dr. Charles Button, professor of Geography at Central Connecticut State University and Chair of the Global Environmental Sustainability Action Coalition at the College says “ARTFARM’s Circus For A Fragile Planet – Submerged! uses circus, poetry, and science as it entertains and brings attention to the impact humans are having on Earth’s life giving circulatory system of rivers, streams, oceans, and aquifers.  A must see!”  
Adults and children alike are captivated and moved by the show. One local elementary school teacher recently shared this comment: “The SUBMERGED show is full of surprises.  The audience simply cannot predict what will come from behind the curtain next!  The children were giggling, cheering, and thinking the entire time.  As a result, learning occurs while the students are completely engaged in a content rich, entertaining performance.” 

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