Saturday, December 1, 2012

Annual Community Christmas Dinner at First Church

Christmas Dinner at First Church
— You are Invited
Christmas Day, 12 noon - 2 

A Letter to Fellow Residents from
Julie Hurlburt, Annual Community Christmas Dinner coordinator:

I wait all year long for this time of year. This is the season when I begin to plan the annual Community Christmas Dinner. I am pleased to tell you that it will once again be held at First Church, at 190 Court Street. We will repeat this successful event this Christmas, as we do every year. We take food up to the Eddy Shelter for both the homeless and those in the DOC program, also housed there. We deliver food to anyone in town who needs a free hot meal. We also serve about 150 meals at the church: The soup kitchen is closed on Christmas Day--their guests join us at First Church.
The true spirit of Christmas is felt in our parish hall and kitchen on Christmas Day. It is true what they say, many hands make light work. It also makes it fun and worth while. Those who help with the dinner and those who attend are truly blessed to be able to share in this joyful event. To share the love of Jesus Christ on the day we celebrate his birth; what better way to share with others the true meaning of Christmas? 

I hope you will take time on Christmas Day to just stop by and feel the true meaning of Christmas. You will not regret it. Dinner is served from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Christmas Day. Volunteers are still needed for even just a small amount of time on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I hope you or your friends may be able to help by donating some of the following items--cooked turkeys, pies, cakes, cookies, and cold drinks.
If you can help with any of these items please contact me at the address below. Items can be dropped off on  December 24th, between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm, or at another time that may be more convenient, including Christmas Day starting at 9:00 am.
In Peace and Joy,
Julie Hurlburt
First Church
190 Court Street

860-346-6657 x15

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