Tuesday, December 4, 2012

2013 Middletown Firefighter Calendar Benefits People with Disabilities

James Ehman, Hazmat Team
Middletown’s buffest and bravest are featured in a 2013 Middletown Firefighter Calendar to benefit local recreation programs for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Thirteen members of Middletown Firefighters Local 1073, including 26-year-old twin brothers James and Patrick Ehman, volunteered for the calendar-modeling job. The twins, who appear on the month of August, pose on the Middletown rescue boat. Other images depict the men at work, carrying fire hoses and rescue equipment, operating fire hydrants and fire trucks, and rescuing a puppy.

Proceeds support MARC: Community Resources. MARC serves more than 200 adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities in residential, vocational, leisure and self-advocacy programs.

People with disabilities want the same things everyone else wants. They want to be independent, respected, and to make choices about their lives. They want good jobs and nice places to live. They want fun things to do on the evenings and weekends with their friends.

“The Middletown Fire Department and MARC: Community Resources have worked together for more than a decade on fund-raising opportunities that benefit our consumers with disabilities,” says MARC President/CEO Elizabeth Warner. “We’re very grateful to the firefighters for donating their time to help with this project. It’s definitely a calendar that you’ll love having on your wall throughout the year.”

A portion of the calendar’s proceeds will also benefit the Middletown Firefighters Local 1073 Charitable Fund.

The 2013 Middletown Firefighter Calendar makes a great gift for only $20. Calendars are available at the Middletown Fire Dept. (533 Main St), Tuscany Grill, Ladybug Boutique, and Echo Trading Co. You can also order online at www.marccommunityresources.org.

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