Tuesday, November 6, 2012

South Farms Voters: Check Your Polling Site!

Joan Liska sends Eye readers this helpful reminder:
Please provide a reminder to voters in South Farms that the city may have changed where they are to vote on this coming election.

I usually vote at the South Fire District Fire House, but I went on the city's voter registration website and learned that I will be voting at the Wesley School on Wesleyan Hills Road. The city has that I only vote at South Fire District Fire House when there is a "special election", whatever that is.

Please, voter, check ahead so you can go to the right location to vote. Here's a link to look it up: http://www.dir.ct.gov/sots/LookUp.aspx

1 comment:

Conshr said...

Same issue is for District 12; used to be at Farm Hill School, now at Woodrow Wilson Middle School with District 11.