Friday, November 30, 2012

Pedestrian Hit By Police Car On Washington Street

Note added (10:35AM): The pedestrian was not associated with Wesleyan, according to a University spokesperson.

From a report on WTNH.
A pedestrian was struck by a police cruiser in Middletown and taken to the hospital early this morning.

The person was struck near Washington St./Route 66 and Newfield St. That is next to the Wesleyan University campus.

We don't have any information about the person who was hit or their injuries, but police said that person was taken to Middlesex Memorial Hospital.

Middletown police are investigating, but no further information was available.


  1. I'm sure the "villagers" will use this as fodder to promote their NIMBY opposition to the Wes book store

  2. villagers and non-villagers alike can surely agree that developing the corner of Washington and Pearl is a terrible idea! A big book store would be great on Main Street or elsewhere - NOT on the corner of Wash-Pearl. That corner is zoned residential and for it to be developed requires a "spot zoning" change that opens the door for Washington Street to become commercially developed from Route 3 all the way to Main. There are so many more things wrong with this idea it is too much to write! sorry to hear about the pedestrian and hope they will be ok. But that is only ONE SMALL piece of the MANY MANY reasons why this is a bad idea.

  3. Nothing wrong with NIMBY. It's better than "anonymous."

    My name is Ed. What's yours?

  4. The 'villagers' should use this as a prime example of why this is a terrible location. Shouldn't there be concern for accidents such as this?

  5. Unlikely that a bookstore will lure people across Washington in the early hours of the morning...

  6. What difference the time of day. For gods' sake, this person was hit by a police cruiser driven by someone we expect is trained in the powers of observation to a much higher degree than the common driver who might hit someone during normal business hours.

  7. It is interesting to watch the reaction of those who do not live far from this possible development.

  8. Middletown needs a Starbucks

  9. Check the facts, the woman walked right in front of the car as the officer was turning. Pedestrians are very safe on RT 66 if they simply stay in the cross walk and be alert.

  10. Well, here we are, another reason for opposing the strip mall they want to put in right in that area.

  11. Wesleyan students and others walk right in front of cars all of the time, they do not walk in the cross walks and are busy texting, wearing headphones, etc.

  12. Of course the officers name is not released. If it was not an officer, their name surely would be released.

  13. They put citizen's names all over the paper when something like this happens. Why don't we get to know which of our tax-dollar funded employees was driving that night?


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