Wednesday, November 28, 2012

La La Land, A REAL Book Store, Democracy

There were some colorful moments yesterday when Bob Landino, the CEO of Centerplan Companies, along with his colleague Yves Josephs and Middletown architect Jeff Bianco, presented their preliminary plans for a 20,000 square foot development on the corner of Washington Street and Pearl Street.  The purpose of the meeting was to get input from the Wesleyan community about the part of the plan that would move the University book store to the new development under contract with a national company. The University has not announced any official decision about whether or not they have signed onto this plan.

A full accounting of the meeting will appear in the Middletown Eye soon. For now, video is available on the Middletown Eye's YouTube channel 

Highlight Reel - excerpts showing some of the more colorful moments -

Additional video of the entire meeting is still in process of being uploaded to the Middletown Eye's YouTube channel and will be available on the channel which you can go to by clicking on this link: 

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