Friday, October 19, 2012

Groundbreaking Play about Hate Crimes and Forgiveness - One Night Only!

An Eye for an Eye: Open Reading
photo by Dick Napoletano
Friday, October 19, 2012 - 7:00 PM
Wesleyan University Memorial Chapel
221 High Street, Middletown CT

Join us tonight for an open reading of the play "An Eye for an Eye," by Linda Pilz Napoletano. "An Eye for an Eye" tells the story of Bangladeshi immigrant and hate crime victim Rais Bhuiyan. Mr Bhuiyan was shot in the face by Mark Stroman in the wake of the September 11th World Trade Center attacks, but, after recovering from his injuries, fought to save Stroman from execution. Although this effort was unsuccessful, Mr. Bhuiyan went on to found the organization World Without Hate, and has dedicated his life to assisting both victims of hate crimes, and death row inmates. Mr. Bhuiyan will lead a discussion with Wesleyan Professors Indira Karamcheti and Peter Gottschalk after the reading.

This program is presented in collaboration with the Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship, the Adelphic Educational Fund and a number of other Wesleyan University and Middletown organizations, including the Vintage Players. This is the second event of five that will celebrate Graduate Liberal Studies' 60th Year.Call (860) 685-2900 for more information or visit

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