Tuesday, September 18, 2012

An Editorial and an Advertisement

Local fine artist David Schulz is know for posting Burma-Shave-style political messages on the lawn of his home.

Thursday, Schulz will be hosting an opening of a showing of his works at the Green Street Arts Center.  The opening takes place during the Middletown Arts Walk from 5-9 p.m.

First the latest editorial, then the ad.


  1. Please tell me that the art show isn't going be those signs?? A few I get, but just sings, what the hell?

  2. For "Anonymous": David Shulz has had exhibits of this artwork at Russell Library on at least one occasion. His paintings are often in oil: sometimes they are portraits of his family members, sometimes still lifes, and sometimes landscapes. As a gifted graphic artist he has enriched the walls of Oddfellows Playhouse (young people's theater) and other venues.

  3. Thanks, I wasn't sure as the story had very litte information and the writer's shoudl have included that ala inverted pyramid style in paragraph oen.

  4. there have been signs there since he moved into that house. nothing new! very politically motivated.

  5. I wonder how his neighbors feel about some of his propaganda on the street. Free speech is wonderful unless you live next door.


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