Friday, August 24, 2012

Actors with disabilities to perform in Middletown

The cast of A Friend is Who You Make It!
MARC: Community Resources is proud and excited to present Expressions: A Friend Is Who You Make It!, an original theatrical performance starring our consumers with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

This one-night-only engagement at Oddfellows Playhouse will highlight the significance of music, work and friendship – the keys to a wonderful life.

Rodney Moore, an artist from Young Audiences of CT in New Haven, co-wrote the play with consumer Kaitlyne McNamara, who also stars.

“It’s going to be very inspirational,” said Tiffany Keleman, a consumer practicing her interview skills in the scene about work.

The event takes place on Tuesday, August 28 at Oddfellows Playhouse. Doors are at 5:30 pm and the play begins at 6 pm. A brief reception will follow the performance. The event is free, but seating is limited.

Help us pack the theater! RSVP today by calling 860.342.0700 or email

MARC: Community Resources empowers adults and children with disabilities to realize their dreams. To honor and help fulfill these dreams, MARC provides people with choices for housing, employment, and social/recreational life.

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