Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Russell Library Closing

From the mayor's office:

Please be advised that the Russell Library will be closed effective immediately until further notice due to discovery of bed bugs in the library. This is being done as a preventive measure. The City is quarantining the library until further notice, hiring an exterminator and preceding with their professional recommendation.

Please place library materials in a sealed plastic bag before they are returned to the library. This is a preventive measure that the city will be taking to ensure that the public exposure be minimized.
From Karen Swartz: I was in the library when the announcement was made over the intercom system that the library was closing due to bedbugs. I asked the woman who made the announcement if bed bugs had been found in books, or where they were found. She stated that they were found in one of the chairs in the computer area, and in one DVD case. She also said that some fumigation was started yesterday.


  1. Great to know we will all be smoked with chemicals

    1. Bed bugs are treated with heat, not chemicals.

  2. Hopefully, Russell has notified the rest of the libaries in the LION system. There is a possibliity that books were reserved on-line and sent from Russell to other libaries around the state for pickup.

  3. if the bed bugs came in from a patron cannot they come back again even after the library is treated?

  4. Welcome to 2012. Bedbugs are back, and not just in hotels. In fact, hotels are the most likely to check and make sure they don't have them. I'd worry about sitting in a movie for a couple hours. It's obvious local movie theaters don't clean their floors very often, let alone their upholstered seats.

    (And for the record, LION/inter-library loan borrowers were alerted, or at least this one was.)


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