Monday, July 30, 2012

Mark Masselli, President & C.E.O. of Community Health Center, to Speak to Middlesex United Way Young Leaders Society

Middlesex United Way’s Young Leaders Society is holding a Learn with Leaders event at Community Health Center on their Rooftop Pavilion hosted by Mark Masselli, President and CEO of Community Health Center on Tuesday, August 14th at 8:00 am. Mr. Masselli will discuss the intersection of entrepreneurialism and human services and the characteristics he looks for in young leaders.

“I am pleased to have the chance to speak with the Young Leaders of our community. Forty years ago myself and a group of bright, young individuals came together to establish the Community Health Center. With the guidance and support of people in our community, and organizations like the United Way, we were able to grow from a second story walk-up on College Street in Middletown, to a world-class, primary care system serving more than 130,000 individuals across the state of Connecticut,” said Mark Masselli, President and CEO of Community Health Center, Inc.

“The Young Leaders Society is a great opportunity to recognize the potential that those in their 20s and 30s have to contribute while also finding ways to build our capacity to be leaders in the future,” says Young Leader Society Chair Justin Carbonella, Youth Services Coordinator at Middletown Youth Services Bureau. “Learn with Leaders events give community-minded young professionals an opportunity to connect and network with local leaders who know the importance of civic engagement.”

The Young Leaders Society is a unique and dynamic group providing community involvement, personal development and networking for individuals or couples 40 years of age or younger who live and work in Middlesex County. Their mission is to create opportunities for young professionals to get involved with Middlesex United Way, connect with colleagues and community leaders and give back to advance the common good.

The event is sponsored by Community Health Center and a light breakfast will be served. There is a suggested donation of $5.00.

Community Health Center is located at 675 Main Street, Middletown. If you have questions regarding this event, please call Middlesex United Way at 860.346.8695.

To RSVP or for more information about Middlesex United Way’s Young Leaders Society visit the group’s website at or at

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