Tuesday, June 5, 2012

New Memorial Trees for Veterans' Park

As local dignitaries look on, Governor Dannel P. Malloy announces his support for the creation of the Connecticut Trees of Honor Memorial planting at Veterans' Memorial Park in Middletown. Pictured to the right of Gov. Malloy is Susan Martucci, who conceived the idea of the memorial.

Middletown was chosen as the site of the 63-tree planting after an extensive search of locations around the state. Among those offering full support for this memorial were Middletown Mayor Daniel Drew, Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce President Larry McHugh, and Phil Cacciola, Commander of the American Legion Post 75. As Ms. Martucci explained, donations will be solicited by her group to ensure that an ornamental tree is planted for each serviceman or servicewoman lost in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. In his comments, Larry McHugh promised a $1,000 donation from the Chamber to the memorial fund.

The site plan, at left in the photo, shows a double circle of trees around a reflecting pool and patio area with benches.

1 comment:

  1. Visit their website for more information. www.cttreesofhonor.com


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