Monday, April 23, 2012

Middlesex Land Trust’s 25th Annual Meeting next Saturday

From David Brown, Executive Director Middlesex Land Trust.

Having hiked on the Palmer Preserve at previous MLT meetings, I highly recommend taking advantage of this opportunity, the Preserve is right across the river from our city, and contains gorgeous meadows and forests.

Please come join the Middlesex Land Trust in celebrating its twenty-fifth Annual Meeting on Saturday April 28th at the Red Barn on the Palmer Preserve, located at 258 Middle Haddam Road in Portland.

The meeting will feature a presentation by Mr. Barry Parrish of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Mr. Parrish is the Wildlife Refuge Manager for the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge, a system that presents a vast environmental resource in the Connecticut River Watershed from Canada to the Long Island Sound. Mr. Parrish will discuss the wildlife of the lower Connecticut River Valley and the nearby Salmon River Division of the Conte Wildlife Refuge.

The Annual Meeting will begin at 10AM with a short business meeting after which Mr. Parrish will give his presentation on the Wildlife Refuge. Refreshments will then be followed by a short walk on the Palmer Preserve for those who would like to get out on to the land.

Please come rain or shine, and don’t forget your walking shoes!

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