Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sunday at First Church: March 11 ~ Third Sunday in Lent

Sunday, March 11, 2012
Worship begins at 10 am

First Church of Christ,
Congregational (UCC)
190 Court Street
Middletown, CT

March 11 is the third Sunday in Lent.  During these coldest months of the year, we move to worship in our Parish Hall. This will be our final Sunday worshiping in the Parish Hall.

First Church is an open and affirming congregation. No matter where you are on life's path, you are welcome here. But don't forget to turn your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night before you go to bed, or you will miss the service! 

Sermon: Losing Weight.  Often we have understood the Biblical commandments as nothing but a heavy, restrictive weight, as heavy as the stone monuments into which they have sometimes been carved. But what if we saw them as freeing, instead of heavy, guidance that means to help us gain life, not simply restrict it? Or, to put it another way, can the commandments be understood as a series of “Thou shall…..” statements, instead of “Thou shalt nots” ? Come listen as our interim pastor, the Rev. Dr. Brenda Pelc-Faszcza, explores this interesting question.

Prelude: Just As I Am, William Bradbury
  The Heart in Hand Bell Choir

:  Just As I Am, Woodworth

: Wondrous Love, arr. Shaw-Parker
  The Senior Choir

: Holy Spirit, Truth Divine, Mercy

: Canon of Grace, arr. Linda Lamb

: Teach Me, O Lord, Your Holy Way, Rockingham

Scripture Reading: Exodus 20:1-17, The Ten Commandments

Church School: K-5 ~ Powerful Play!  Walk to Jerusalem

First Church Coffee Hour

Second Hour: Interim Discussion #7.  What is happening with religion in America today?  Looking at the cultural context for being a church and thinking about First Church’s transition and future in light of it.

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