Saturday, March 3, 2012

News from Victory Christian Church

For Immediate Release

Victory Christian Church Aids in Training Leaders in Columbia

A team of leaders, headed by Pastor Pete Leal of Victory Christian Church (VCC) in
Middlefield, recently returned from a trip to Columbia. The purpose of trip was to provide
leadership training to businessmen and women, police and military personnel, pastors, and
government officials. A marriage seminar as well as a women’s conference were also provided.

The team was comprised of Pastor Peter Leal of Middletown, Carlos and Madeline Aguayo
of Southington, Santo Gulino of Middletown, and Mike Anticoli-former resident of Central
Connecticut, now serving as International Director for VCC. Each team member is highly
successful as an individual, and collectively the team brought more than 100 years of successful
leadership experience to Columbia.

The team met with individual groups throughout each day, and provided a general conference
in the evening. The conference was attended by over 700 prominent leaders and broadcast
throughout the country through internet live streaming and radio broadcasts.

Businessmen were deeply touched and inspired during the meetings. One result was the team
being invited to the largest retail store in the area, by the owner. At 6:30 in the morning, over
100 employees were gathered and eagerly listening to leadership and customer service principles
being explained. At the request of the company owner and employees, a time of prayer followed.

Results from the trip include the invitation to return to Columbia and provide training to 3,000
enlisted Columbian Naval Officers. This invitation came after two Marine helicopter pilots
conference attendees had listened intently to former military leader, Carlos Aguayo. When they
shared with the Naval Base Commander in Columbia, the Commander then invited the US team
to come and be housed on the base, while providing training to their military.

While in Columbia, the team took time out of training to visit the home of ‘Wilson’, a former
prominent gang leader in the region. Some team members had met Wilson on a previous trip
to Columbia and were moved with compassion when seeing the deplorable conditions he and
his family lived in. Upon returning to VCC, Pastor Pete challenged the congregation to get
involved. He explained that a new cinderblock home could be built by locals, with purchases
and construction supervised by VCC affiliates there. The cost would be a mere $2,500. That
morning, all of the funds were raised, to build Wilson and his family a new home. Team member
Carlos Aguayo coordinated efforts via Skype and emails, and the home was completed in less
than a month. Wilson told the team “You have changed our lives, forever”.

When the team returns to Columbia in May, they will be establishing a Leadership Training
School and Bible School on the grounds of the local University. “Professor Garcia has offered us
space on his campus to establish the training schools”, explained Carlos Aguayo, the VCC team

member who will be spearheading that particular project in Columbia.

While there, team members will continue developing the infrastructure of the area, through a
partnership with the UN in Columbia. Pastor Leal explained “The UN partnership is critical in
the success of our development in Columbia. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with
them in Columbia, just as we did over in Congo. The UN is the liaison that is aiding business
owners in identifying service and product production needs and then identifying people who can
meet be trained and equipped to meet the needs. Our part is to generate funds and donations and
then provide the initial construction and equipping of facilities, as well as to train the locals in
the vocation.”

Global Leadership Training and apostolic church planting/oversight is provided through
VCC’s International Fellowship ‘arm’ of the church. Funding for projects in Columbia, as
well as another 30 plus countries around the world, is being generated through VCC’s ‘1By1’
Humanitarian Aid Arm of the church.

Visitors are always welcome at church services, held on Thursday evenings at 7 p.m., and
Sunday mornings at 8:45 and 10:45 a.m. For more information about Victory Christian Church,
and both local and global ministries, go the website

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