Saturday, March 10, 2012

Assistant Superintendent To Retire March 30, 2012

Assistant Superintendent Barbara Senges has announced her intention to retire as of March 30, 2012, citing a need to care for ailing parents as her motivation for leaving.

See the Patch's full article here.

Until her departure, Senges will stand in as acting Superintendent in the wake of Dr. Michael Frechette's departure yesterday.

The next regular Board of Education meeting is this Tuesday, March 13, at 7pm.


  1. Ted Razcka should be the next to go. He should be thrown off the BOE. Wasn't he the Board chairman defending this incompetence. Its a crime against the youth of this city!

  2. I would love to believe that after the superintendent leaves Middletown,but in my mind this is suspicious, the assistant is leaving too. It might have a little to do with her parents being ill. Though I think that the board of ed members are cleaning up the garbage. Congrats, who's next???

  3. two down. nancy, get the hint?
    ted, you should get the hint too.

  4. Looks like some one finally dropped a house on this woman. Thank god!


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