Saturday, March 31, 2012

Apparently, it's European

For just one dollar, you can get a cake massage at Main Street Market. Right. Now.

Courtesy of the Hurricane Clowns!


  1. I know a lot of people are having trouble finding jobs but this takes the cake! how interestingly enterprising

  2. Yes I was there and it was very interesting, they use actual cake to massage the hands. One man even had his head massaged! I hear it leaves the skin renewed and soft!

  3. I tried it - it's like heaven! They put chocolate frosting on my hands.

  4. oooo! i want one! and a pedi! and a facial!

  5. I saw that! I was too busy to try it out, but it smelled delicious as I walked by!

  6. It was a fantasical experience, so otherworldly and it did leave your skin so soft and smooth


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