Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Two Xavier Students At The White House To Present Engineering Project To Obama

John William Voelker and Miraj Rahematpura, seniors at Xavier High School, are attending the second White House Science Fair today, to present their work to President Obama.

In a press release from the White House, Obama noted, “If you win the NCAA championship, you come to the White House. Well, if you're a young person and you produce the best experiment or design, the best hardware or software, you ought to be recognized for that achievement, too.”

Many of the directors of national science programs will be also attending the fair, including Subra Suresh, Director of the National Science Foundation, Jane Lubchenco, Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Harold Varmus, Director of the National Cancer Institute.

Voelker and Rahematpura are co-captains of the Xavier High School Engineering Team which won the 2011 National Championship of the Real World Design Challenge (RWDC) for designing a next-generation airplane wing that maximizes fuel efficiency and enhances performance.


  1. Congratulations Xavier Students! Xavier High School always makes Middletown proud compared to Middletown High School students.

  2. Dear Anonymous at 6:30 p.m.: You spoiled it all by going negative. Next time be an adult and just say Congratulations!

  3. That's really mean anonymous-my son goes to Middletown High and he is a great kid, has great friends and is doing well. I would never bash Xavier kids because that would be mean-I am proud of them-what a fantastic accomplishment!

  4. Anonymous 6:30pm your comment merely shows the ignorance you have for the students of Middletown High School and your obvious self shortcomings in your education and upbringing. Middletown High School boasts some of the brightest and talented students within the State along with all the other schools within the City. Feel free to pass along praise and bring positive structure and guidance to our children do not segregate them through your baseless comments. I am certain that Xavier does not teach or condone this kind of behavior at their school and neither does any public school. It is what happens at home that breeds your kind of behavior and ignorance.

  5. I agree. Why did the Middletown Eye have to published the negative comments from the Anonymous poster bashing the students at MHS. Blame the Middletown Eye for those negative comments too.

  6. The Hartford Courant Did a story & video about a Wrestler at MHS. Great story! There are great students at MHS too!



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