Monday, February 6, 2012

Body Found In Basement Window On Prospect Street

From the Middletown Police.

On February 6, 2012 at approximately 1615 hrs. Middletown Police Officers were called to 171 Prospect St. in order to investigate a report of a lifeless body discovered in a basement window.

Upon arrival, officers discovered a male party with no vital signs partially draped out of the basement window. A party inside of the residence was able to positively identify the discovered body as a resident of 171 Prospect St.

There were no signs of foul play and the incident appears to have been an accident. Middletown Police Detectives along with the State Medical Examiner are actively investigating the incident.

The identity of the discovered body is being withheld pending family notification.

Anyone with information pertaining to this incident is encouraged to contact the MPD Major Investigations Unit at 860-344-3240.

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