Friday, December 9, 2011

Middletown Planning Dept. Newsletter & Survey

Please take a moment and help the Planning Dept. with this survey!

Middletown Planning, Conservation & Development Newsletter- December 9, 2011
In December 2006, we asked those that live and work in Middletown to predict the future.
Now, five years later, we are asking you to again look into your crystal ball and let us know what you see for 2021.
This is a quick survey with 10 questions. When you submit your answers you can take a look at the results from 5 years ago.
The results of this years survey will be release the last week of December.
Local Economy-.Unemployment dropped a significant half a percent to 7.5%, likely due to season part-time work. The January figures released in February will show how much of this increase is permanent. Main Street Storefront count for December saw the vacancies dip back down to the record low of 6%, with the potential to drop further based on reports that two more vacancies have tenants looking to move in. Trade name registrations have increased again in November, but are down 3% year-to-date compared to 2010.
Housing- Foreclosures saw the typical year end jump, but Middletown is on track to finish the year with few foreclosures than 2010 and possibly the lowest since 2005. October Single Family and Condo sales remain mostly unchanged since September.
Web Presence- Middletown’s web presence increased by 23% on search engine hits and in web traffic tracked by Google.
Economic Development Committee
Monday, December 12, 2011, 7:00 PM, Room 208
Old Business
- 20 Portland Street: Proposed Resolution
- Parking Garage Construction -update
- Parking Improvements-North End-update
New Business
- Tax & Business Incentive Program: Joseph Mylchreest, Inc.
- Mattabesett Canoe Club fire alarm box
- Middletown Small Business Development Center contract
- Hubbard Park Parking Lot Lease
- Northend Job Retention Grants: due economic disruption associated with bridge construction
- Brownfields Assessment Grant
- Remington Rand: New Tenants
All Purpose Flooring
Chop Shop, LLC-machine shop
Garofalo & Saraceno-winter storage
- Remington Rand-new windows, tank pull, boiler house demolition
- RT 9/17 intersection
Planning and Zoning Commission
Wednesday, December 14, 2011, 7:00 PM, Council Chambers
- Zoning Code text amendment to modify Section 60.02.25, Libraries, museums and similar institutions of non-commercial
nature to add Multi-Family (M) Zone
- Request for final release of $28,000 cash bond for Phases II, III, IV and Phase V of the Russell Ridge Subdivision located off East Street
- 167 Johnson Street - Modification of a previously approved G.S. 14-54 to allow placement of a trailer on property - Olga & Charles Marano
- 170 North Main Street - location approval for a general repairer under G.S. Sec. 14-54 in the IRA zone - Olga and Charles Marano d/b/a Untouchable Towing
- 151 Broad Street - Special Exception for change of use from religious /educational use to a to a new use as Eleemosynary
& Philanthropic and a request of a waiver of an A-2 Survey Map - Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich, Inc.
Inland Wetland and Watercourses Agency
Wednesday, December 7, 7:00 PM, Council Chambers
APPROVED- Application to create a drainage channel to eliminate erosion along driveway due to improper drainage at 167 Bartholomew Road. Applicant/agent John Edwards 11-08
- Middletown Stormwater Management Plan for 2011
2011 Apps Review Time Fees 2010 Apps
Year-to-Date 217 11 days $18,545 244
--- Approved 185 9 days $5,190
------- Public Hearing 18 41 days $3,780
------- Site Plan Review 167 6 days $1,990
--- Denied/Other 16 37 days $12,885
--- Open 6 NA $470
November 7 4 days $0 10
October 19 9 days $495 20
September 21 4 days $100 23
August 21 4 days $8,505 29
July 28 3 days $785 27
June 26 12 days $1,795 38
May 31 7 days $1,445 24
April 22 18 days $1,045 25
March 28 18 days $3,260 25
February 7 8 days $370 12
January 7 19 days $720 11
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