Saturday, December 31, 2011

Come on down to Middnight on Main

Middletown's first New Year's Eve Festival starts at 3 pm and the entertainment goes right to midnight. Fireworks are at 6 pm at the corner of Washington & Main (from the top of the Joe Riff's Music building). The intersection will be closed during the actual fireworks display, but Main Street is open to regular traffic for the rest of the day and evening.

For more info and for button sales, see or come down to the Chamber on Main Street.

If you're still up at 11:30 pm, everyone is welcome to join us in front of the Church of the Holy Trinity, for Japanese Taiko drumming and church bells as we ring in 2012. If you're staying home in your jammies, you can countdown with us if you download the free Middnight app for iPhone or droid.

Come celebrate the New Year on Main Street!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you to everyone involved in putting this together (what a lot of work)! It was a wonderful event. Can't wait to do it again next year.


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