Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Show Goes On The Big Screen

“Snow Date” for Ruddigore Performance by the Connecticut Gilbert & Sullivan Society

Dear Patrons, Contributors, Fans and Friends,

As you know by now, the Saturday evening performance of Ruddigore was cancelled, disappointing audience and performers alike.  While all the performers were already in the building Saturday and could have (and wanted to!) deliver the evening show, school officials and Middletown police had to cancel the performance in order to prepare the school for service as a community shelter for residents without power.  Most of the town was indeed without power for several days.  Even our webmaster was unable to post a cancellation announcement on our website.

We deeply regret the inconvenience and disappointment caused by this unpredictable event.  For those who purchased advance tickets for the cancelled show, we will exchange your unused tickets for seats at our next year’s Gilbert and Sullivan production.  When purchasing your tickets for next year, mention this notice and your replacement tickets will be issued.

In addition, to make it possible for you to see this year’s production, we have arranged for a full screening of the Saturday afternoon Ruddigore performance.  It will be at the Middletown High School, 200 LaRosa Lane, at 7:30 pm on Monday evening, November 28.  Many of the principals will be available to meet those in attendance and to answer any questions you may have about them or the production.

The screening on November 28 will also be open to the public.  Donations will be accepted to help replace revenue lost from tickets normally purchased on the evening of the performance.

CG&SS is committed to continuing its tradition of excellence and adding to the culture of the area.  From the bottoms of our hearts, we thank you for your support.

David C. Henderson, President
Connecticut Gilbert & Sullivan Society
PO Box 2152
Middletown CT 06457-2152

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