Friday, October 28, 2011

Video from two Mayoral Debates

Darrell Lucas has graciously provided The Eye video from the Mayoral debate that was on Tuesday October 25th at The Barns in the Wesleyan Hills neighborhood. The moderator was civic leader Richard Kamins, President of the Russell Library Board of Trustees.

And as promised after the play-by-play write-up of the Mayoral debate between Democratic challenger Dan Drew and Republican incumbent Sebastian Giuliano that was held at Wesleyan University on October 20th, 2011, here is the video that I was able to capture from that night.

This is not the entire debate, it's the first half or so.

These 5 videos are in a playlist series. To go to the next video, click on the "next" icon, this is in the lower left between the play/pause button and the volume button.

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