Thursday, September 22, 2011

AFSCME Local Endorses Mayor, Other Candidates

Council 4 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees endorsed Mayor Seb Giuliano’s re-election bid on Thursday.

The union also endorsed a slate of candidates for other positions including three of its own union members: Linda Salafia and Philip Pessina for Common Council and Tami Kapacziewski for Board of Education. An AFSCME spokesman said they would campaign for their candidates who are “on the front lines of the city, making it run.”

The continued friction between the mayor and the Board of Education became the focus of a press conference announcing the endorsement. The mayor said “Personally I have a hunch they’re exacerbating a problem to take them into November.”

Kapacziewski, running for Board of Ed, said she originally stood up “as a parent, then as a resident, and last as a union member.”

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