Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Mayor to Seek Removal of Business Manager at School Administration


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Great job Mayor. This should shut the skeptics up. Great job M'town eye to be first on the spot to break the news.

  3. Can they dump Ted R too?

  4. Patience pays off. Clearly the union was in the right and the BOE was wrong to try to circumvent the charter and union contract. It's my understanding that the BOE's attorney wrote the briefs presenting the BOE's arguments to the Labor Board so now it'll be interesting to see how they'll try to circumvent this ruling.

  5. It's about time that the BOE has to show some responsibility. This drama should not be happening. Isn't the BOE there to educate the children? We need to make some changes in this election. Let's get some new faces on this board! Come on Middletown tax payers, stand up make some positive changes. Only you can make this happen!!!

  6. Haynes should have been terminated for slapping a co worker ( 'supposedly") way before this. If only Frechette could be terminated as well, but his contract seems to self renew magically... on a never ending cycle. Who ever can get Frechette out of the BOE gets my vote in November!

  7. Great job Ed & Eye- the press hasn't even published this press release- and they didn't even have to do any real work to get the story- its a press release sent directly too them! The Eye- best news source in town hands down.
    Frechette's 3% raise and the misconduct under his watch won't be forgotten by voters come election- out with the old BOE members who stood by and allowed this mess to happen and in with new candidates who can do it right.

  8. Anon at 1:13

    Given the Mayor's history of putting out press releases that are not entirely accurate or true, I would hope that the Press would do more than just post his claims. Like find out if there is more to the story or not. At least, that is what a real newspaper should do.

    Not a dig at the Eye, but there is a difference between a press release and news. The Eye absolutely did the right thing in posting this and clearly identifying it as a press release, not the Eye's analysis. I just hope the Press, or the Eye, will do more just in case there is more to the story.

  9. Now, let's see how the BOE administrators circument the City Charter, Union contracts, and MERA? Come to the 6:30 PRC meeting tonight and see Councilwoman Kasper try to explain how two BOE adminstrators, not City employees, should be included in the City pension plan. Let's see how the City Charter, Ordinances, and State Statutes are massaged and manipulated again.

  10. I would beg to differ with the previous commentor, this is a newsworthy event. I beleive that the Labor Board clearly articulated the issue before them and found that the Board of Ed adminstration acted outside of it's powers. The ruling states: "We do not view the Charter requirements that subjects uncertified School Board employees to the City's Personnel Rules and Classification Plan as inconsistent with or imimical to School Board operations." The City has collective bargaining agreements with the unions that represent the classified workers at the BOE; the BOE administration needs to recognize that fact and abide by it.

  11. Still no coverage from the Press or Courant- once again the Eye covers something that the main stream media attempts to sweep under the rug. i'm making some popcorn and intend to sit back and watch the fireworks at the council meeting tonight.


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