Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Day in the Book Mobile

Yesterday YSB staff including myself and Leah Maille, our MSW intern Chrichton Stewart, and our Board Chair and BOE Director of Grant Services Elizabeth Nocera got to the take the Book Mobile out for a spin around Middletown. We made stops at Wesley School and visited the Parks and Rec campers, Snow School, the neighborhoods of Dadario Rd and Santangelo Circle, the Highlands, West Lake Community Center and Smith Park. Along the way we were met by the principals of some of the schools of the areas we visited including Joe Cassella (Wesley School), Jim Gaudreau (Snow), and Enza Macri (Lawrence).

It was a great time making new friends and building community, while also putting new books in the hands of Middletown students. At the end of the day we were told that the Book Mobile has distributed over 3,500 books over the course of the summer. For more information on the initiative here's an article from the Middletown Press from earlier in the summer. Thanks to the Middletown Schools Association for their help and allowing us the chance to participate!

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