Thursday, July 28, 2011

Middletown Youth Theater Performs Annie Jr!

Middletown Children’s Theater
is a new community theater for kids in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade! Based in Middletown, CT, MCT is the “little sister” to Middletown Teen Theater and draws its students from the greater Middletown area. The teens recently performed "Chicago" to sold out crowds, and "Annie Jr." will surely also be a stellar event!

If you missed "Chicago" check out a number from the performance on youtube posted here

The show is being directed by Middletown School district Music director Marco Gaylord

Performances are today July 28, 29, and 30th all at 7 pm at Middletown High School auditorium- advanced tickets can be purchased here

1 comment:

  1. Does the youth theater use the high school theater free of charge? Could this wonderful theater be open to other groups? Anybody know?


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