Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Meet Your Greens - Summer Casual Tonight

Welcome to Meet Your Greens--Middlesex County's monthly green drinks happy-hour network providing opportunities to make connections and exchange news about environmental issues in Middlesex County. Based on the popular Green Drinks in CT and nationwide, this informal gathering of people drawn from the community, nonprofit groups and the business world offers time to brainstorm ideas and plant seeds for collaboration. All are welcome with no reservations or advanced registration necessary.
Join Meet Your Greens for a casual, unplanned evening at Eli Cannon'sE.Cannons.front

Tuesday, July 19

5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

"Saving the Ales" since 1994, Eli Cannon's Tap Room

is committed to diversity. Thirty-Three REAL ALES on

tap rotating constantly to ensure freshness and revolutionary selection. Weather permitting, we'll be outside to enjoy the new deck.

For parking and driving directions, visit


E.Cannon logo

And a special thank you to RiverQuest for our June Meet Your Greens CT River cruise. RiverQuest

We had a great time enjoying the late afternoon sun and welcoming in summer. Mark and Mindy Yuknat asked that we hold next June 19th for our third anniversary river celebration--so mark your calendars now! For more information on RiverQuest go to www.ctriverquest.com.

Meet Your Greens meets generally every third Tuesday of the month.Venues and times change-- join our e-list for updates and invites by contacting Claire Rusowicz, crusowicz@rockfallfoundation.org; or Jennifer Weymouth, jaweymouth@yahoo.com. You can also join us on Facebook ("Meet Your Greens").

Schedule updates are also provided on The Rockfall Foundation website, www.rockfallfoundation.org
Questions? Please e-mail or call Claire Rusowicz (860)347-0340.

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