Tuesday, July 12, 2011

From The Pencil: Watching The Council

Public Access cable TV affords us all an easy way to watch at home the meetings of Common Council, Planning and Zoning, and Inland Wetlands. After watching a number of recent Council meetings, a local artist sent in the following.


  1. Thanks for posting this. Are you free to give credit to the artist who drew this? She or he deserves the public recognition and applause. ~ Rob McCausland

  2. I too have observed this - excellent observation!!!

  3. wonder who they are texting? hillarious! finally someone has said something!!

  4. Yes I agree with Rob- this should be printed and given to every councilman as a service-

  5. manchurin candidate! someone is feeding them what to say!

  6. Hello mom? Guess what i'm on the council and look I'm on tv!!! Now what do I say?

  7. It is even funnier when one of the people texting the other is sitting in the crowd at times while texting. A couple of people text during the meetings and don't hide it very well.

  8. May be taking notes... who is the person anyway?

  9. Really, you are going to whine about a councilman texting? You sit on your butt in front of the TV and complain about the people who actually attend the meetings because you think being able to do two things at once is disrespectful? They put these meeting on television because people are too lazy or too "busy" to actually get off the couch and come to the meeting in person, but we expect the council to sit through every meeting demonstrating rapt attention to everything that is done?

    This thread really takes the award for the most meaningless whining.

  10. we don't know the author isn't in the audience!

  11. but we expect the council to sit through every meeting demonstrating rapt attention to everything that is done?

    a- yes we do! we elected them!!!! as a working mom i can't attend the meetings with 3 kids in tow!

  12. The sad thing about the councilman receiving and sending the majority of the messages is that he is probably being told what to say and how to vote. I wonder who in the audience or at home is pulling the strings.

  13. Yes, I do expect the Council to sit through each and every meeting with rapt attention. That's what I helped to elect them to do; they are representing me and if they can't show common respect for others then maybe they should not be representing me.

  14. To anonymous- who said it doesn't matter if they text- Um - they are elected to do a job not text and also they get a $6,000.00 stipend! I as a taxpayer am PAYING them to pay attention and represent me! Your argument of everyone else isn't paying attention is silly! Do you get paid to text?? Your the whiny one

  15. I don't care if they are texting the person next to them or the Queen of England- be engaged! Numerous times various people have to ask even what agenda item they are on or if something has been voted on because they are day dreaming!


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